SPRING BREAK: Finding Rest

Anytime a break is coming, I get anxious. It’s really a strange mix of excitement, overwhelm, and exhaustion all at once. The students feel it too, which only adds to the crazy. It’s like the bubbling of a mass exodus, everyone counting down the days until a break, ready to bust out of school in a dead sprint for the nearest patio.

This year, rather than packing up my posse and running for the mountains (my happy place), we are actually staying home for the entire break. And I have to tell you - I am so so excited. I have literally been running myself into the ground with work, family stuff, all the things, and I am EXHAUSTED! The thought of having a week free of a schedule and meetings is heaven.

As excited as I am at the thought of a week free of work, I can’t help but start forming a little to-do list of all the things I need to get caught up on at home. It’s reality, right? A lot of important things tend to fall to the wayside when I’m in teacher mode, and getting caught up at home puts me at ease. However, if I’m not careful, this list can fill up quickly, leaving me with very little time to rest & decompress.

That said, I’ve put a few guidelines in place to help me make REST a priority, while still knocking out a few housekeeping items. Maybe they’ll be helpful to you during this time:

  • SET A DAILY BIBLE TIME: I’m still working on getting this into my work days on a more consistent basis, but on a break, I get to really embellish without such a strict time constraint. Use this time to be still, listen, and just let your soul be at peace. Do a mini study, or not. Use the Bible App to help you, or not. Finish up a study you’ve been working on or start a new one. Or, just open the Bible & spend some time simply reading His Word. Before you start each day, ask God to open your eyes and your heart to areas in your life that you could work on or people that need His Love within your reach. Pray for peace in your life and for Him to renew your strength during this week.

  • GET OUTSIDE: I have an outdoor-loving family, so this is easy for me. I know it’s not for everyone, but I encourage you to try to fit in at least 30 minutes of time outside. Study after study proves there is a direct correlation between the outdoors and a more positive state of mental health. The connection to nature and the freeing of your mind from the chaos of work and responsibilities is like medicine for you. Take a walk, sit on your patio (without your phone), take your kids to the park, run, hike . . .anything. Just make space for this - you will be glad you did.

  • EXERCISE: For me, this is something I really struggle with right now. I’m so so exhausted at the end of the day that even the thought of exerting more energy makes me want to cry. (And this night owl is only getting up early in the morning for one thing and His name is Jesus.) A break is the perfect time for me to readjust and get this time in, along with a plan to keep doing it when I head back to work. Just move - it doesn’t matter what you do. Get in 30 min of movement a day if you can. Make a goal to do it 5 times over the break, then look for pockets of time to get it in at least 3 times a week when you head back to work. Just a starting place for anyone out there that has trouble with this like I do.

  • QUALITY TIME WITH LOVED ONES: This is my love language. I love my people and spending time with them fills me up every time. As a working mom, quality time with my kids seems to fly by, so I savor these breaks when I can just be with them. Don’t let your break get filled up with chores and catch- up items. If you are on vacation, don’t overbook your time with activities that you don’t take time to simply enjoy their company. Have lunch with friends, play outside with your kids, break out the board games, snuggle in for movie night (or movie day), take an outing to somewhere you’ve never been - just be together. (And side note - you don’t have to post anything on social media - it’s, like, not even required!!!)

  • DO ONE THING PRODUCTIVE EACH DAY: . . . . OR NOT!!!! Taking care of some things around the house actually makes me feel more at ease, but this is the area I HAVE to watch or it will take over. So, my limit is one larger chore per day like making A bed, washing A dish, or sweeping A room. HA! Everyone has things they need or want to get done - just don’t let it be all you do on your break!

  • LET GO: This is probably the most important and should be at the top. Make it a point to let go of stress and worry, anxiety and angst. Take a deep breath and enjoy not being on a schedule. Remind yourself that you deserve a day off.

Education is hard and draining. It is a constantly demanding, multi-tasking arena of crazy. Whether or not you realize it (and how could you not), your brain and body are critically thinking at a very high level, without any opportunity for reprieve, for 8 hours straight, 5 days a week. The stress and constant doing takes A LOT out of you. Your body needs to rest, your brain needs to rest. If you’re going to be a happy and productive educator, you have to take time to refuel.

Obviously this list is mine, and you may or may not find this helpful as you take on your break. No matter how you spend your time off, just do yourself one big favor . . . REST. Let it all go and find time for you. Because teacher . . . you deserve it.

  • jill


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