Dear Parents . . .

All across the globe, parents have been thrown into the world of online education and variations of homeschool. We know this has been daunting to so many parents, so we thought we’d offer some tips from the teachers to you!

One of the most important things to keep in mind as we collectively navigate the COVID-19 Pandemic, is that EVERYONE is in the same boat when it comes to missed academic days. All students in their respective regions are experiencing the same gaps in their education as everyone else. But take heart, parents . . . these gaps are not your sole responsibility. Districts and schools will be working to fill in those gaps whenever we return. If that means we return in a couple weeks, a month, or even if we are out for the remainder of the year, schools will be ready to get your kids right where they need to be. Even if you are unable to get anything educational completed during this time . . . your kid is going to be ok.

The reality of the situation is that there will most definitely be students that are not able to get any work done. They could be babysitting younger siblings so parents can get to work or they could be children of neglect who are doing the best they can simply to survive this time at home. Does this mean these kids are going to be academically disadvantaged when we return to school?

NOT IN YOUR DREAMS! It means that teachers, schools, and administrators are going rally and do everything they can to get them where they need to be. They will not be left behind, they will not stay back while their peers move on, they will not miss out on opportunity, and they will not fail. Why? Because this is what we do every single day of every single school year. This is our job.

Will it be hard? Yep - just like ALL of this is hard on everyone. Will it be another task added to the already overflowing plate of the underpaid educator? Sure will - but they will take it on, just like they have been doing for all the years of all the teaching.

So Sweet Parents . . . STOP FREAKING OUT! RELAX - we’ve got you, and more importantly . . . we’ve got your babies. Stop worrying, stop trying to flip your home into the next Pinterest homeschool classroom, stop trying to over educate your kids, stop trying to maintain a rigor that your kid isn’t prepared to take on. Even though it’s fun to live out your childhood dream of being a teacher, remember that your students are now your children & this is a whole new ballgame.

Here are some practical tips from the teachers as we embark on this journey together :

  • If things get stressful - ABORT MISSION!! Any teacher will tell you, when things get stressful, it’s time for everyone to take a break, shift gears, and table it for the next day. EVERYONE - that means you & them. Get outside, do some jumping jacks, let everyone retreat to their rooms for an hour or even the rest of the day. Nothing you will be doing is worth the collapse of your home. Which brings up Point #2 . . .

  • During this time, maintaining as much peace as you can in your home should be your number one goal. Guys - this is hard enough without having to throw school in the mix. Having everyone in your family home, together, in the same space for this amount of time is extremely challenging. People get annoying, louder than usual for some odd reason, things you may have never noticed, will stick out like a neon sign beckoning you to start a conflict. Schooling while dealing with all of this is no easy feat . . . so don’t force it. Peace & Health in your home - Priority Number One.

  • FOR KIDS WITH LEARNING CHALLENGES!! IMPORTANT!! - Let’s all remember that for kiddos with learning challenges, home is their escape from the stress of school. It’s a place for them to come to after a long day of fighting frustration, discipline issues, and challenges that are directly associated with learning. But now . . . home IS that environment. You need to tread lightly, delicately, PATIENTLY. Our autistic babies THRIVE on routine & familiarity - this whole ordeal is rocking their worlds. You must spend this first week at least just reaffirming the day with your kid & walking through this new routine with them. Many of you will see sides of your children that will frustrate the crap out you, baffle you, scare you, and hurt your mama heart with every pass of the pencil. So, revert to Priority Number One - peace. Maintain peace. Your relationship with your child is worth more than their education. Never forget that.

  • Routines and schedules are NOT for everyone. Your days may look very regimented or they may look willy nilly - do what works best for you and your family, not anyone else’s. Don't let the social media playground steer you away from what is best for you guys. There is no right or wrong way to do this gig. Just take it day by day. When I was homeschooling, mornings were the best time to knock out school work. And by mornings, I mean about 9:30 or 10 was start time. We would wake up, do independent bible studies, have breakfast, and maybe even watch a 30 min show. When everyone was good and awake, we would start learning. And our learning was over in a couple hours, so it was done before lunch. This was perfect - FOR US. Others wake and roll right into school, and still I know others that do work in the afternoon. Find the groove that works best for the house - don’t force it one way or the other. And your schedule doesn’t have to be the same every day. If it’s nice out in the morning, you might choose to get some stuff done outside - outdoor learning is the best! Just don’t obsess over a schedule! Everyone will survive if things don’t get finished or accomplished that day.

  • Life is the best teacher. Changing tires, budgeting, responsible online shopping (come on - you’re already doing it), the census, politics, voting, baking, tying a tie, organization skills, nutrition . . . these are skills best learned from YOU. How we approach each of these areas will vary greatly from house to house. These are skills that are very personal and each family does them different. We don’t have enough time in the fast-paced, psychotic keep up with Jones’s world we live in to really give these things proper attention. USE THIS TIME to teach your kids these life lessons.

  • Seek Higher Counsel when you feel lost. When the walls feel like they’re coming down (and every other moment in between), run to the Father. He will fill you with peace & wisdom that you won’t find on any school website. May you never forget that you possess all the knowledge your children need to live. You were blessed with those kids because God knew you’d be the best fit for them. No amount of school or homework or classroom hours can ever prepare your children for the life they are meant to live than what you have within your home right now. You are uniquely equipped to raise them and pour into them and train them up. Y-O-U. Trust God & work with Him - He is the greatest counsel there is.

Parents . . . we know this is overwhelming, scary, BIG. We get it, and we so wish we could sweep up your kids and teach them right now. But, this time is yours. We promise, when this is all over, we will be here and we will be ready to take them as they come. You are going to be just fine . . . your kids are going to be just fine.

Written by Jill Corey Miller


Dear Spouse . . .
