DAY seven


In just a few days, we celebrate the birth of Our King. I imagine it was about this time thousands of years ago that things were starting to get a little anxious surrounding Mary & Joseph. Mary was about to give birth to Jesus – townspeople were buzzing, kings were pacing, planning, and plotting. There was an unsettled anxiousness in the air.

Jesus came at a time when many people were down and out- living through very difficult circumstances in a world that was growing increasingly dangerous. You could suffice to say the world Jesus entered resembled a world we are living in right now - a world full of division, judgement, hate, and sin. The idea of the Messiah coming back was unbelievable to many, but at the same time they were hopeful. They knew of God’s promise for the return of their Lord, but many doubted they would see it in their lifetime. People needed a change; they needed a hope; they needed . . . a light.

The good news is that God is faithful. He is a good Father whose promises are the same yesterday and today. God promised to send the Messiah. And so He did. He sent Jesus . . . the Light of the World.

Just as God is faithful to His Word, and to His Promises to us, we have been given the power to remain faithful to Him. Serving God, living a life devoted to Him, is no easy lot. This world is fallen - it's filled with so many lustfully tempting things that are constantly vying for our time and attention. It's a time when it's cool to believe in Jesus, but not quite as cool to truly follow him.

Oftentimes, faithfully following Jesus means letting go of some things you like or want. It will definitely put you in a position at some point to go against what's popular, and you might even lose some friends over it. Faithfully following Jesus isn’t culturally popular, and in this day and age you will absolutely face adversity if you choose to truly make Jesus and His Word the focus in your life.

We like comfort. We like easy, quick, and happy. And we live in a world that caters to those worldly comforts. Standing out and faithfully following Jesus IS. NOT. EASY. or quick, and there are times when it's not even happy. Sometimes following Jesus is hard and lonely. Sometimes it's scary and sometimes we are faced with challenges that seem too big to bear.

But, we are given the Fruit of Faithfulness - a bountiful power that far exceeds our own. When we are weak - He is strong. When our faith is small, His is big. Faithfully following Jesus is not a path you have to go alone. It's a narrow traverse that is filled with excitement and joy that is unexplainable. It's a big ask with an even bigger reward. It's worth every sacrifice every time. 

Next time you feel weary in following the call of Jesus, remember you aren't alone. You serve a faithful God who sees your faithfulness and will come alongside you to fill you up and carry you through to glory. Find the others - the ones that are doing their best to faithfully follow. Lean on one another and build each other up. Know that as you seek to faithfully follow, God will not leave you. Find hope in that because the King is coming.

The weary world rejoices . . .

Dear Faithful Father, grant me calm as I feel stressed and anxious. Fill my heart with the truth of your faithfulness. Thank you for your promises and your great love for me. Thank you that I can count on you and that you will never leave me. In your Son's Name I pray . . . Amen.



These Holiday Fruits of the Spirit Prayer Cards are an excellent tool to help you make space for intentional prayer time. Head to The Educators Mercantile and download your free copy today!


Joy vs Happiness


Having Self-Control is more attainable than you think.