Having Self-Control is more attainable than you think.
DAY six
Self-Control. Ummmmmm. . .yea. Well, I think we could suffice to say that as we roll through this week, we might need to tap into some of that - on so many fronts.
The crazy kids, the pressure of wrapping up the semester, holiday parties, final exams, candy, cookies, extra snacks!!! These times of full plates and rushing around are a recipe for short fuses, tired minds, exhausted bodies, and low, low, low, looowww self-control.
It isn’t easy to exercise self-control in any area of our lives when we are run down and anxious - we have got to rely on the Lord. Sometimes what we NEED to do is the opposite of what we WANT to do. Whether it’s avoiding temptation, exercising will power, or motivating ourselves to make positive changes, it takes something beyond ourselves to make it happen.
Self-Control is knowing what’s best for ourselves AND what will glorify the Lord and the temple He’s blessed us with . . . and then actually making that choice. But, for real, it sure is hard sometimes- especially during times of stress or busyness.
"No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it." 1 Corinthians 10:13
This verse reminds us that God is with us during times of temptation. When we are faced with a difficult decision that involves Self-Control, He is fully aware of the struggle we endure. He promises us that no matter what it is, we have it in us to overcome. Not because of our own will power, but because of His. He promises a way out every single time.
As you navigate this week, remember that you have everything you need to make it through gracefully. If you find yourself in a tempting situation, keep your eyes open and looking for the way out. Remember that the more time you spend with Him, the easier it is to spot your escape. Use His strength to make the right choice and pray your way through.
In all the crazy, don’t lose sight of what lies just over a week ahead. Nothing, absolutely nothing that gets thrown at you this week is more important or more worth your time than the miracle of Jesus.
So, breathe . . . and remember you’ve been given the most blessed and sacred gift.
Dear Lord, as I navigate this week, open my eyes to the options I have to overcome temptation. Help me to make wise choices for myself. Give me strength to exercise self-control with my emotions, my words, and my actions. In your Son's Name . . . Amen.
These Holiday Fruits of the Spirit Prayer Cards are an excellent tool to help you make space for intentional prayer time. Head to The Educators Mercantile and download your free copy today!