Tap Into the Peace Within You

DAY nine


Peace is something like calm - something that comes over us without trying. It’s something that comes from a deep faith in the Lord and His Provision, His Promise, and His Power in our lives. The more time you spend with the Lord, the more you get to know Him. And in that, you find Peace.

Peace during times of strife. Peace in times of chaos. Peace when everything else seems wild. God’s peace is something we can’t fully understand because it is rooted in the Holy Spirit. When the world says panic, the Holy Spirit says Peace. It goes against the grain; defies the norm.  

“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7

It's not hard to get stressed out in this line of work. Go, go, go - you're here, you're there - "Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Miller"!!! It's chaos! Teaching actually ranks in one of the top spots for professions with a steady stream of stress. That means you start at a high level of stress and you don't come down until the end of your day. There's no reprieve throughout the day.

But . . . you don't have to live your life in that rhythm.  The Holy Spirit is FULL of peace, and that means you are too. Being still long enough to allow that peace to wash over you is your ticket. It's not easy to do, but it is available to you at all times in all circumstances. Just as the enemy comes to steal our joy, he is working double time to disrupt your peace.

When we are not at peace, we get stuck in angst. Our hearts feel stressed, our minds are scrambled, our patience is thin - it's a recipe for disaster. And during the holidays, a time for peace on earth, it's even harder to maintain peace in our hearts.

Protect it. Tap into the peace that lies within you. Don't let this time before Christmas whiz right by. Take a breath, sweet Teacher.

I don’t know where you are in your week, or how your day has been, but I do know that PEACE is what we are praying for your heart and your families as you venture into this holiday break.

Dear Father, grant me Peace as I venture into this time of Rest. Help me to keep my priorities in line and not let my to do list run my day. Remind me of your everlasting love & fill me with your peace which transcends understanding. In Your Son's Name . . . Amen.



These Holiday Fruits of the Spirit Prayer Cards are an excellent tool to help you make space for intentional prayer time. Head to The Educators Mercantile and download your free copy today!


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