Kind vs. Nice

DAY four

Today’s Virtue is KINDNESS. I think this Fruit of the Spirit speaks for itself in many ways, but I also think that even with all the “Be Kind Buzz” circling the globe, there is still quite a bit we have to learn.

It’s almost as if “Be Kind” has become a fad- some kind of band wagon that people have hopped on and promote. But I wonder how many people are ACTUALLY living it out? In schools, I see so many kids still being ugly, still bullying, still not choosing kindness. Anti-bullying campaigns are at an all time high, and my heart breaks as I’m hearing of more and more students taking their own lives. 

The only thing I can think of is that people are talking the talk, but not walking the walk. As adults, it’s great for us to be talking about kindness and encouraging the small people in our midst to exercise kindness. But, are we also demonstrating this in our own lives? Can they see & feel kindness in us and from us?

I decided that to get to the bottom of kindness, I had to separate it from NICE. Being kind and being nice may sound like they are one and the same. After digging in, however, I’ve determined that they carry one very significant difference . . . heart.  

When we are nice, we are choosing to use nice words, smile, compliment – all good things. Being nice is very surface oriented. We can be nice to someone we don’t like very much, just for the sake of not being rude. Our hearts are not connected to the things we’re saying, and we can master the art of “fake it ‘til you make it”.  

But when we are kind, we are genuine. Our hearts are aligned with our actions and our words. We are feeling on the inside what we are executing on the outside. When we are kind, we are connecting with the Spirit. In this verse from Ephesians, being kind is actually followed by the word “Tenderhearted”. 

“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32

Being kind involves a shift in your heart. It’s something you are doing for no other reason than to be genuinely kind to another human being. It’s a deep connection to Jesus, which is why it has earned its place as a Fruit of the Spirit. 

During this time of year when so many are without, genuine kindness is what people’s hearts are craving. People want to be seen and they need to be loved. When you choose to be kind, you are opening up a window for the Holy Spirit to reach a heart. And for all you know, you just might be the vessel the Lord needs today.

Use me, Father, to reach people for your Kingdom. Give me eyes to see hearts rather than just people. Soften my heart and help me to choose kind words that are straight from you. Guard my lips & make me aware of every word I use, that it may bring glory to you. In your Son's Name . . . Amen.



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