Goodness in Times of Trial
DAY five
The following are definitions of the word “Goodness”:
1. the quality or state of being good
2. integrity, honesty, uprightness
3. the nutritious, flavorful, or beneficial part of something.
4. the part of something, especially of food, that is good for health
5. the personal quality of being morally good
6. kindness, generosity or beneficial
Being a teacher or a parent means we use the term "good" on a regular basis. “Good Behavior”, “Good Attitude”, “Good Day” and on and on. "Just be good."
But being good and doing good are things that come from the heart. When I look at the dictionary definitions of the word, one word stands out to me . . . beneficial. When we are good, OTHERS benefit. When we are good, WE benefit. When we are good, the Kingdom of God benefits.
Doing things because we have to or because it’s the right thing to do, do not make us Good. When we do things for the benefit of others, when we place others before ourselves, that’s when God’s Goodness just shines THROUGH us. We are not the ones on display, He is.
As teachers, we are constantly living in a position to do things for the benefit of others. Our whole job is exactly that. Literally every single day is spent trying to help another little human benefit in some way – social, emotional, physical, academic. This is our life. What more can we possibly give??
“God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness.” Genesis 1:4
Friends, this verse speaks so much about what God has called us to do. We are charged with bringing Love and Joy and Goodness into this world. We are the physical that so many are searching for. God has placed within us THE Light, and we have everything we need to shine into a dark world.
Teachers give so much of themselves and Lord knows, many of us are exhausted every day. Our position is so influential for the Kingdom of God. We are like little targets walking around for the devil to take aim and steer us away from our purpose. Don’t let him do it!
I encourage you to look out for ways you can extend God’s Goodness; not just to your students, but to your colleagues and your families. Think of some ways that you might be able to benefit a teammate or an administrator or a colleague having a tough time. Lift one another up, celebrate each other’s wins and mourn the losses. Stop gossip in its tracks and take some time to champion the good that is happening around you. Overcome the darkness that is in your midst, put a stop to the enemy’s schemes, own your position as an influencer.
Remember that you carry The Light . . . and you are FILLED with Goodness.
Dear Lord, fill me with your Goodness every day. Remind me to use it and put it out there so others may see You when they see me. Humble me in order to put others before myself. Point out the goodness around me and give me the courage to point it out when I am able. In your Son's Name . . . Amen.
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