Having Self-Control is more attainable than you think.
Having self-control when we are in a good state of mind is a challenge. So how do we exercise self-control when we are beat down, stressed out, and stretched too thin?
Goodness in Times of Trial
Goodness is in you - it’s alive and ready for you to extend to others. But how do you do it when you don’t feel good? How do you do it when you’re too stressed to even see forward?
Kind vs. Nice
Kindness is a widely used word these days. But there is a big difference between being nice and being kind. What do you think?
Encouragement for Patience
No one needs more patience during the holidays than teachers! Nevermind a pandemic, with end of course exams, holiday events, and preparing their own home, teachers are stretched thin. Read on for some encouragement in the Patience Department this holiday season.
We all face battles - in the classroom, at home, in our own heads. None of us is immune to attack, and we all grow weary of the fight at times. If you are in need of prayer, for anything at all, please let us know. It would be our honor to pray with you and for you.